Joy Amechi Okeke-Ezenyanwu (PhD), Fidelia Chinelo Ugwuogo, Josephat Nwafor Onyeagba


The   study   examined    the   role   of   Information    and    Communication Technology  (ICT) research  and  problem-solving  competencies  on  business teacher  education  for employability in tertiary institutions in Anambra  State. Design of the  study  was descriptive  survey.   The  population  of the  study consisted  of 96  business  educators  in five tertiary  institutions  in AnambraState that offer business education.    Due to the manageable size, there was no sampling (Nwana,  2015).   Two research  questions  guided the study and two null hypotheses  formulated  were tested at .05 level of significance using the   t-test.     The   instrument   used   for  data   collection  was  a   structured questionnaire.   The   questionnaires   were   administered    to   all   business educators  in the five tertiary institutions in Anambra  State that offer business education  programme. The instrument was validated by two experts and the reliability index yielded 0.84 using Cronbach  Alpha method.   Data collected were analyzed using mean  and  standard  deviation.  Findings from the study revealed  that ICT research  competencies  and problem-solving competencies are   required   to   a   very   high   extent   for   effective  business   education programme.  Based  on the findings of the study, the researcher  concluded that  Information  and  Communication  Technology  (ICT)  research competencies  and  problem-solving  competencies  are  required  for effective business education  programme  in tertiary institutions in Anambra  State. The researcher   recommended  among   others   that   Nigerian   Universities  and Colleges of Education  should  introduce  ICT literacy as a  full fledge credit course  at  all  levels  of  their  curriculum  programmes   and  make  it a  core course.  This will go a long way to equip  prospective  teachers  with requisite ICT research competencies  and problem-solving before employment. Government  and   school   administrators    should   assist   Universities  and Colleges of Education  with enough  ICT facilities which will enhance teaching and   learning  as  well  as  create  constant   avenues   of  business  educators attending   on   the   job   training,   Workshops,   Conferences   on   ICT  staff development.


Business Teacher Education, ICT Research & Problem-Solving Competences and Employability

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