Anthonia Nneka Obumse, PhD, Christopher Odinakaolisa Okudo, PhD, Scholastic Ogechukwu Okafor, PhD


This paper investigated the counselling techniques for managing insecurity in post-traumatic stress disorder patients in Anambra State. Three research questions guided the study. This study adopted the descriptive survey research design. The population of this study comprised of all clinical counselors in the 20 general hospitals in Anambra State, Nigeria. The purposive sampling technique was used to select 2 clinical counselors from each of the general hospitals. This gave a total of 40 clinical counsellors to participate in the study. The instrument for this study was a structured and validated questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Counselling Strategies for Managing Insecurity in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Patients” (QCSMIPTSDP). The questionnaire is divided into three clusters in relation to the purpose of the study. Cronbach Alpha Method was used and co-efficient values of 0.77, 0.88 and 0.78 were obtained respectively for cluster I – III. Descriptive statistics of as mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions. It was found that clinical counsellors agreed on cognitive-behavioural techniques, trauma-focused interventions and mindfulness-based techniques for managing insecurity in post-traumatic disorder patients. It was concluded amongst others that mental health professionals should encourage ongoing training in trauma-informed care and specific counseling techniques tailored for PTSD patients. This should include workshops and certification programs focusing on the latest evidence-based practices.


Counselling, Counselling Techniques, Insecurity, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Patients

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Copyright (c) 2024 Anthonia Nneka Obumse, PhD, Christopher Odinakaolisa Okudo, PhD, Scholastic Ogechukwu Okafor, PhD

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