This paper focused on Social Studies Education as road map for Value Re-orientation and Addressing security challenges in Nigeria. Social Studies Education is equipped with the rudiments for being a responsible and responsive citizen. This is capable of making the learners function well in any society including Nigeria. Presently Nigeria is faced with both social, economic, religious, and political crisis and all manner of insecurity issues especially among the youth. The need for value re-orientation and promotion of national security cannot be overemphasized. This can be achieved through the learning of school content such as Social Studies. This paper argues that Social Studies Education serves as a road through which Nigeria as a nation can achieve the desired value orientation and national security. It provides an avenue for the young ones to be taught the importance of tolerance, harmonious co-existence, respect for other people’s culture, critical and creative thinking required for innovation among others, in order to become reliable future leaders and good followers that are devoid of rebellious behaviours. This study concludes that the required attitude, norms, and values are embedded in social studies curriculum and that the classroom teachers should meticulously implement the curriculum so as to achieve the need of the nation through the desired educational goals. Teachers should be re-trained on effective implementation of Social Studies content in order to produce highly patriotic citizens who immensely desires positive change in their society.
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