The researcher determined the effect of Think Pair Share learning strategy on secondary school students’ retention in computer studies in Anambra State. Quasi-experimental design was adopted. 6,982 JSS2 students from 94 co-education secondary schools in Aguata and Awka education zones of Anambra State was the population of the study. Sample size was 393 students (169 males and 224 females). Two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated. The instrument for the data collection was Computer Studies Achievement Test (CSAT). Validation of the instrument was done by three experts. The reliability coefficient of the CAST was determined using Kuder- Richardson (K-R, 20) formula which was found to be 0.70. The research questions were answered using Mean and standard deviation, and hypotheses was tested using ANCOVA at 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study revealed that, Students taught Computer studies using think pair-share learning strategy had higher retention score than those taught Computer studies using lecture method. More so, male students taught Computer studies using think pair-share learning strategy had more retention mean score than the female students taught Computer studies with think pair-share learning strategy. Based on the findings it was concluded that students’ that were taught ccomputer studies using the think-pair-share learning strategy retain more than those taught employing the lecture method. From the conclusion, thus, it was recommended that; Curriculum planners and developers in science should include think pair-share learning strategy in restructuring Computer studies curriculum in our secondary schools in order to help the students to be creative and retentive in learning.
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