Pauline N. Orhorhoro


This study examined motivational strategies for improving students’ capacity building in marketing in Colleges of Education in Delta State. Descriptive design was adopted. The population and sample consisted of one hundred and sixty-six (166) which comprised all the marketing students and lecturers in three Colleges of Education in Delta State. A validated four point scale questionnaire was used for data collection. Data was analysed using mean. Results indicated that motivational strategies such as experiential learning, gamification, feedback mechanisms, and networking opportunities would motivate students in marketing towards a better academics performance and skills acquisition. The findings also revealed that the problems hindering student’s capacity building are inadequate technology facilities, tools and equipment; and that the lecturers method of teaching may demotivate students and impede their rate of skill acquisition. It was therefore recommended that lecturers teaching Marketing courses should incorporate hands-on activities such as case studies, internships, and project-based learning which will ensure that students directly apply theoretical knowledge.


Motivational Strategies, Capacity Building, Marketing, Colleges of Education

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