Anthonia Chinyere Okoye (PhD), Jane Ijeoma Nwazue, Chinenye Ogochukwu Ubah


The study examined insecurity and business education students’ academic performance in tertiary institutions in Imo State. The study was guided by one research question and null hypothesis tested at 0.05 level of significance.  Descriptive research design was used for the study.  The population of the study comprised 109 business education students in tertiary institutions in Imo State. Instrument employed for data collection was “Insecurity on Business Education Students Questionnaire (IBESQ). The instrument was validated by three experts in Business Education.  The reliability of the instruments were also established using Cronbach Alpha and this yielded a coefficient of 0.83.  Data collected were analyzed using  mean, standard deviation to answer the research questions and t-test for testing the hypothesis. The finding showed that insecurity has become the major challenges facing educational sectors and also related to students’ academic poor performance.  The study recommended that the school management, host community, government and security agents should provide adequate security to enable the students participate actively in all academic activities in the school for positive academic performance.


Insecurity, Academic, Performance, Business Education, Student.

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