Prof. Ifeoma E. Obi, Marcel Sunday Obiorah


This paper  is aimed at exploring Guidance  and counselling as an instrument of attaining educational reform and sustainable development in Nigeria. Education  is an informal and formal teaching and learning process aimed at improving  knowledge  and  the  development  of  skills from  elementary   to higher  education.   Education   is  relevant   in  fulfilling  economic,   political, cultural  and  technological  advancement. Guidance  and  Counselling  serves as one  of the agencies  for creating an  intervening  effect in the standard  of education.     This  paper  examined   the  concept  of  educational  reforms  in Nigeria, the  concept  of sustainable  development, the  concept  of guidance and  counseling. The  role  of guidance  and  counseling for achievement   of educational  reform and  sustainable  development and  the various strategies for improving  guidance  and  counselling for sustainable  development and educational reforms were also highlighted.      This paper concludes by establishing  that  guidance  and  counselling is very relevant  in meeting  the needs of education  reforms and sustainable development and therefore recommend among  other things that, there is the need  for capacity building and professional development for members of the Counselling Association of Nigeria to abreast modern  trend comparable  with any standard  in the world.


This paper is aimed at exploring Guidance and counselling as an instrument of attaining educational reform and sustainable development in Nigeria. Education is an informal and formal teaching and learning process aimed at improving knowledge and the

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