Patricia Ifeyinwa Adinna (PhD), Patrick Okafor (PhD)


This study evaluated  professional teaching  ethics for teachers’ effectiveness in  public  secondary   schools  in  Anambra  State.  The  descriptive  research design   was   adopted  for  the   study.   Two  research   questions   and   two hypotheses  guided  the study. The population  of the study consisted  of 263 principals  and   5149   teachers   in  public  secondary   schools  in  Anambra State.117   teachers’  and  67  principals  constituted  the  sample  size of  the study. Proportionate stratified and simple random  sampling techniques  were used  to draw  the sample.  The instruments  for data  were   two researchers’ constructed  questionnaires titled,  “Teachings  Ethics Questionnaire (TEQ)) and   Teachers’ Effectiveness Questionnaire (TEQ). These  instruments  were subjected   to   face   validation   by   three   experts,   two   from   Educational Management  and  one  from Educational Measurement  and  Evaluation,  all from Department  of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu  Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus,  Anambra State.  The  construct  validity  of the  instruments  was  also  established.  The reliability of the  instruments  was  established  by  conducting  a  pilot-testing and analysed  using cronbach  alpha method.  The result showed a coefficient values  of 0.81  for teachers’ discipline,0.85  for teachers’ respect  for child’s right and 0.81 for teachers’ effectiveness. Mean and standard  deviation were used to answer the research  questions  and   independent  sample t-test was used  to test the hypotheses  at 0.05  level of significance. Findings from the study  showed    that  teachers  discipline    and  respect  for Child’s right    as professional ethics  for teachers’ effectiveness in public secondary  schools in Anambra  State are   achieved  to a low extent . The study showed  that there is no significant difference in the mean  rating of principals and  teacher  on teachers’ discipline  and   respect of child’s right for teachers’ effectiveness in public secondary  schools in Anambra  State .It was therefore  recommended that  Policy makers  should    ensure  that  ethics of teaching  profession    are taught  in  teacher  education   as  a  course  of    study  for  effectiveness    of teachers in secondary  schools in Anambra State


Ethics, Effectiveness, Discipline, Child’s right

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